Subletting Clause in Lease Agreement

Subletting Clause in Lease Agreement: What You Need to Know

When it comes to renting an apartment or house, there are many things to consider before signing a lease agreement. One important clause that tenants should be aware of is the subletting clause. A subletting clause is a provision in a lease agreement that sets out the rules and regulations regarding subleasing the property to a third party.

What is subletting?

Subletting refers to the process of renting out a property or a portion of a property to another party for a specific period of time. The subtenant, also known as the sublessee, pays rent to the original tenant, also known as the sublessor, instead of the landlord. Subletting can be beneficial for tenants who need to move out temporarily or permanently but still want to keep their lease agreement intact.

What does the subletting clause in a lease agreement entail?

The subletting clause in a lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions for subletting a property, including the following:

1. Permission: The landlord’s permission is usually required before a tenant can sublet the property. The subletting clause should state whether the landlord permits subletting and how to obtain the landlord’s permission.

2. Duration: The subletting clause should specify the duration of the sublease, including the start and end dates.

3. Rent: The subletting clause should state the rent amount the subtenant will pay to the sublessor. The sublessor may also charge a security deposit, which should also be specified in the subletting clause.

4. Liability: The subletting clause should outline who is responsible for damages caused by the subtenant. Generally, the sublessor is responsible for damages caused by the subtenant, but the subtenant may also be held responsible in certain circumstances.

5. Termination: The subletting clause should state the conditions under which the sublessor or the subtenant may terminate the sublease.

Why is the subletting clause important?

The subletting clause is important because it protects the landlord’s property and the tenant’s rights. It ensures that the landlord knows who is occupying the property and that the tenant is complying with the lease agreement. It also protects the tenant’s interest by establishing clear guidelines for subleasing and preventing the landlord from evicting the tenant without just cause.


In conclusion, the subletting clause in a lease agreement is an important provision that should not be overlooked. By understanding the terms and conditions of subletting, tenants can protect themselves from potential legal issues and ensure a smooth and stress-free subleasing process. If you are considering subletting your rental property, make sure to read the subletting clause in your lease agreement carefully and obtain the landlord’s permission before proceeding.